A 3D Aquascan, also known as a 3D Hydroscan or as Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS), is an internal ultrasound scan in which a saline solution is used to show the outline of the uterine cavity (womb). It is performed when there are reasons to require more detailed assessment of the lining of the uterus that is possible with a normal gynaecological ultrasound scan.
Specialist 3D Aquascans at Concept Fertility
Aquascans are performed at the Concept Fertility Clinic for our patients by our own staff. We also perform these procedures for the patients of other fertility centres or fertility specialists, as well as patients referred by GPs and gynaecologists. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and no anaesthetic is required. However, we recommend that you take a common painkiller, such as two paracetamol tablets, one or two hours before the procedure. During the procedure itself, a small catheter is passed through the vagina, through the cervical canal into the uterus (womb). A small balloon is then inflated to keep the catheter in place. The saline solution is then injected into the uterus through the catheter. The introduction of the saline solution may cause some discomfort similar to the uterine cramps experienced during menstruation. Throughout the process the procedure is monitored by your doctor via an ultrasound scan to view the saline solution in the uterine cavity.