Genetic Testing

Genetic testing lets you analyse a developing embryo before implantation to check for abnormalities. This means that you avoid transferring embryos that may carry a genetic disorder or even fail to develop.

Should I Have My Embryos Tested?

While this treatment is not recommended for all couples, it is often suggested to couples who have a family/medical history of certain disorders or for women with repeated implantation failure.

Testing involves removing a single cell from a developing embryo and analysing the genetic make up. Findings will then be presented and discussed for you to make an informed decision. The procedure is easily combined with IVF treatment, and can help to select the most viable embryos. Chromosomal abnormalities are often the explanation for unsuccessful pregnancies, so selecting the correct embryos can improve the chances of a successful implantation and birth.

What Abnormalities Does This Screen For?

Genetic testing can now screen for an enormous number of genetic disorders, including cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, Huntington’s disease, haemophilia A and Marfan syndrome. It is only possible for certain conditions where the genetic markers are known and available for screening at such an early stage.

The procedure is mainly used to screen for monogenic disorders, meaning disorders that are only found due to a change in a single gene.

Blastocyst Genetic Testing

In addition to single-cell testing, we also offer blastocyst biopsies, which allow for a larger amount of material for diagnosis. These are carried out between the third and the fifth days of in vitro culture using a laser to perform the biopsy. The embryo remains intact without losing any inner cell mass.


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